Friday, February 28, 2014

sorry to you al that i haven't posted anything as of late. I finish the sketch for class it is going vary well. I'll be making it larger on a good peas of paper my classmates and I liked this idea the best out if my two others ideas I'll post the photos of them later for you all to see.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

This is the photo for lester day before I worked on it some more not to bad.
This photo is from today working on it looks a lot better.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

I didn't take a photo today sorry about that there will be two photos tomorrow. i did a lot on the drawing the last you've seen it though still needs work it's looking really good. I do have a good art quote for you all today by Edgar Degas.

Friday, February 14, 2014

I finished every thing for vase and I also miss placed my key for my art droor that's embarrassing. Oh right i also started on my other charcoal drawing as well all in all not to bad so far.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

almost done with all the things I need to do for vase on Saturday i'm nerves and exited. i've been so busy with thing that i keep forgetting  to do the blog for today talk to you tomorrow.

Monday, February 10, 2014

so much to do and so little time to do it in vase is this weekend need to get everything done.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

worked on my vase work sadly i wont be able to put in my "lost in a dream" drawing, but i still get to take my charcoal drawing with the cow skull it's something at lest. yes i'll still a little upset but things happen right maybe i'll be able to enter it next year most likely not. well sinse i can't bring it i'll show you all the photo of it though i'm still in the proses of finishing it completely though. so make Sherri to leave a comment so i can see what you all think thanks.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Today i was able to submit my work for vase one is a charcoal drawing its the cow skull one i did earlier this year, and I also make the girls on the swing drawing bigger; they look really good. though i just need to do somethings to the drawing to get them ready for vase I'll show the images after vase though.

Did some work on the drawing from yesterday no a lot though. I just need to darken it and shade it in some areas then I should be done.